Fiction solutions for your web needs


For your hobby projects


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Free e-mail alerts
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3-minute checks
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10 monitors
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5 status pages


For your hobby projects


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Unlimited phone calls
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30 second checks
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50 monitors
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5 status pages
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Single-user account


For your hobby projects


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Everything in Freelancer
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Up to 5 team members
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100 monitors
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15 status pages
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On-call scheduling
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200+ integrations


For your hobby projects


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Free e-mail alerts
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Priority support
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1,000 monitors
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25 status pages
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5 members per team
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+$24/mo for additional team members


For your hobby projects


Tick Icon
Free e-mail alerts
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3-minute checks
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10 monitors
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5 status pages


For your hobby projects


Tick Icon
Free e-mail alerts
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3-minute checks
Tick Icon
10 monitors
Tick Icon
5 status pages


For your hobby projects


Tick Icon
Free e-mail alerts
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3-minute checks
Tick Icon
10 monitors
Tick Icon
5 status pages


For your hobby projects


Tick Icon
Free e-mail alerts
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3-minute checks
Tick Icon
10 monitors
Tick Icon
5 status pages

Feature comparison


Free e-mail alerts
Unlimited phone calls
Everything in Freelancer
Everything in Small Team
3-minute checks
30 second checks
Up to 5 team members
Priority support
10 monitors
50 monitors
100 monitors



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What do you need help with?

What is Fiction's subscription model?

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Webflow is more than just a visual way to code — it's also a built in publishing and hosting platform. This means you can go from zero to published.

Can I change my subscription plan?

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Webflow is a website design tool to help people build websites without having to worry about coding. With a drag-and-drop interface, the user builds the site they want in the editor, and when it's finished Webflow automatically generates the appropriate HTML, CSS or JavaScript.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

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WordPress has been around for a while and many websites are built on WordPress. However, Webflow is a great new alternative to WordPress for people who are not experienced as web developers. Picking Webflow vs. WordPress will most likely depend on your coding experience.

Are there any additional costs?

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WordPress has been around for a while and many websites are built on WordPress. However, Webflow is a great new alternative to WordPress for people who are not experienced as web developers. Picking Webflow vs. WordPress will most likely depend on your coding experience.

Do you offer a free trial?

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WordPress has been around for a while and many websites are built on WordPress. However, Webflow is a great new alternative to WordPress for people who are not experienced as web developers. Picking Webflow vs. WordPress will most likely depend on your coding experience.