Innovative, budget-friendly production of 12 videos covering 50 products, alongside high-quality e-commerce photos.

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The Client

Joyhill is a versatile Amazon seller specializing in innovative kitchenware, lunch bags, and backpacks. Starting with a soft-sided lunch bag in 2015, they have expanded their product range to include intelligent kitchenware and various backpacks, serving customers globally.

The Goals

  • Introduce creative and novel marketing strategies to the Amazon marketplace.
  • Provide cost-effective content solutions without compromising on quality.
  • Create engaging video content and professional e-commerce photos to boost product visibility and sales.
  • The Results

  • Creative-First Production: Focused on innovative and engaging content, we crafted 12 unique videos showcasing 50 products. By setting up the right environments and pairing products effectively, we ensured each product's strengths were highlighted.
  • Comprehensive Content Production: Our efficient setups allowed us to produce a large volume of content, making it ideal for clients with extensive product listings.
  • High-Quality Visuals: Alongside the videos, professional e-commerce photos were produced, enhancing the visual appeal of Joyhill's product pages.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Maintained a budget-friendly approach, demonstrating that high-quality content can be produced without excessive costs.
  • Hero Thumbs

    The Results

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